Development status of oil and gas pipeline technology

China has created and developed an oil and gas pipeline technology system that ADAPTS to the characteristics of China's oil and gas, safeguarding energy strategic security and national economic development. By the end of 2021, the total length of long distance oil and gas pipelines completed in China has reached 1.48×105 km, of which the length of natural gas pipelines is about 8.76×104 km, the length of crude oil pipelines is about 3.13×104 km, and the length of refined oil pipelines is about 2.91×104 km. It is expected that by 2025, the scale of the national oil and gas pipeline network will reach 2.4×105 kilometers. In terms of supporting storage and large-scale storage, 9 national petroleum reserve bases have been built: Zhoushan, Zhoushan Extension, Zhenhai, Dalian, Huangdao, Dushanzi, Lanzhou, Tianjin and Huangdao National Petroleum Reserve caverns. 22 liquefied natural gas receiving stations have been built, with a total receiving capacity of 1.0225×108T/a; There are 30 gas storage units with a storage capacity of 5.4009×1010m3 and peak load capacity of 1.4969×1010m3.

Breakthroughs have been made in the localization of large-caliber and high-pressure pipe manufacturing technology and equipment. The completed China-Russia East Route natural gas pipeline is the first time in the world to adopt a 1422 mm large-caliber, X80 high-steel grade, 12 MPa high-pressure pipeline, and realize the localization of a series of equipment.

 ① Localization of pipe technology. Domestic X80 steel pipes have been widely used in practical engineering construction, and the construction mileage exceeds the total mileage of foreign X80 pipelines. 

② Localization of core equipment. Compressor units, oil pump units, large-diameter all-welded ball valves and other key equipment to achieve independent manufacturing, pipeline core equipment of the whole machine localization rate of 95%.

The reliability research of natural gas pipeline has achieved initial results. With the rapid development of natural gas pipeline construction in China, reliability-based design and evaluation methods are the development direction for the reliable operation of large-scale natural gas pipeline networks and the guarantee of gas supply. In pipeline design, the reliability based design and evaluation method is designed according to the actual failure form, and the calculation framework of pipeline reliability is established. In the aspect of ensuring gas supply, a calculation method of gas supply reliability of gas pipeline network based on uncertain gas consumption is developed, which takes into account the randomness of user gas consumption and is more in line with the actual situation.

With the acceleration of the formation of "one national network", it is necessary to carry out the simulation and operation optimization technology of large-scale complex oil and gas pipeline networks with multiple sources and sinks. After decades of development, oil and gas pipeline simulation technology has made a breakthrough, and its adaptability to pipe network scale is comparable to that of foreign commercial software. Domestic natural gas pipeline network simulation software has been successfully applied in the Sichuan gas transmission pipeline to the east and the west South China Sea submarine natural gas pipeline